Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning

Anticipatory steps and strategies that can be implemented by a business to ensure the continued stability and optimal performance of its IT infrastructure in the event of a natural or manmade disaster. Provides redundant paths and immediate recovery to network functions, which provides end-users uninterrupted access to business-critical network applications.

Companies that employ a business continuity and disaster recovery planning solution have the benefit of knowing that their complete IT infrastructure is safe. In today's globally-connected business world, it is important for organizations to provide end-users continual access to the networks and data centers they utilize in day to day operations. Data needs to be simultaneously available in local offices, remote branch offices and mobile devices. When a network availability issue arises that prevents access, business can be limited or stop altogether. Business continuity and disaster recovery planning can provide redundant paths, immediate fail-overs and additional security to an organization's network. This allows the network to stay available and business to remain in operation, even when disaster does strike. With precautionary disaster planning, companies can maintain access to business-critical information and applications.