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Survey Roundup: Information Governance Spending to Rise

December 12, 2014 02:00 PM

Recognizing The Problem: A survey of 205 IT and legal professionals by Forrester Consulting and data security firm Druva found 44% saying they believe endpoint data remains at risk despite security and governance controls already in place. To that end, 89% plan to invest more in information governance programs, and 64% said they plan to increase their focus on tablet devices as governance targets, reflecting growing use of iPads and competitive products for business purposes.

The survey results show rising recognition of the role that mobile computing is playing in weakening the existing governance infrastructure in the enterprise. “With the rise of the mobile workforce, organizations must establish strategies to govern not only corporate and employee-owned mobile devices, but also the multiple channels that are now required to make data available anywhere on any device. The increase in complexity is staggering,” said Chandar Venkataraman, chief product officer at Druva.

Worrisome Information: A report into the top risk factors for companies in 2015 by the Corporate Executive Board Co. found businesses are concerned about information security—and with good reason, as 93% of employees said they had violated their company’s information-security policies.

Clueless: A survey of 1,200 IT departments from companies around the world by cloud monitoring vendor ScienceLogic found 81% saying they use public clouds—but 40% don’t know what information they are storing in the cloud.

Deadline Dread: A survey of small and medium businesses found 69% saying theydoubt their ability to meet the October 2015 deadline for upgrading payment terminals for chip-based credit cards.

Industries At Risk: The gaming, education and health-care sectors are at greater risk of suffering data breaches in 2015, according to a report by application security company Radware Ltd.

They Don’t Know: A survey of business people in India by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India found 55% of the respondents saying they were unsure if their organization had a specific policy against bribery. (Deloitte is sponsor of the Risk & Compliance Journal page.)

Outmanned: A report from IBM  found 60% of security leaders saying the sophistication of attackers is outstripping the sophistication of their company’s cyber defenses.

Caution, Risks Ahead: With the rise of globalization, the rise of the middle class, the proliferation of technology, power is moving away from governments, creating short-term and local agendas that work in opposition to international business, a report onbusiness risks for 2015 by risk consulting firm Control Risks found.

Tell Me About China: A report by due diligence data company Arachnys said the company’s customers conducted more searches about due diligence in China than any other topic in 2014.

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