FAQs for Authorized Training Centers

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The Authorized Training Center Program enables Radware customers and partners to successfully train and prepare for IT professional career certifications with authorized training on Radware technologies and solutions.

An Authorized Training Center, or ATC, is a provider who teaches Radware courses using Radware-certified instructors and materials and who is in compliance with the goals and objectives of the Radware Authorized Training Center Program.

To apply, complete the online ATC Application and a Radware training representative will contact you as soon as possible. For program details, including eligibility, goals, and objectives, refer to the Authorized Training Center Program document description.

The ATC must designate the Instructor(s) in the ATC Pricing Agreement. The instructor must then complete a "train-the-trainer" session with a professional Radware Corporate Trainer and successfully meet the requirements for training delivery and certification. Once certified, the ATC Instructor is granted access to authorized training content to deliver the course.

Yes, ATC Instructors can teach more than one course, provided they meet the requirements to teach each course and progress is tracked in the Radware training administration system.

Instructions to reserve space in the Virtual Lab for a Radware-hosted training are provided to ATC Instructors following acceptance into the Program.