Here's How Healthcare Providers Can Stay Secure & Compliant

This nonprofit health system is a recognized leader healthcare research and patient
care, offering pediatric, cancer and heart care, among a multitude of other services and
programs. With more than 70,000 employees, it services patients across 42 hospitals
and 1,500 care locations.

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Challenges and Solutions

Patients and healthcare staff require access to data 24x7 via remote locations, without delays or impacts from usage spikes. To ensure portal availability, this healthcare provider uses Radware’s Alteon application delivery controller (ADC). They use Alteon to manage network traffic across various locations and organizations to avoid service disruptions.

When the healthcare provider’s security team became stretched across multiple projects, they decided that a fully managed web application firewall (WAF) implementation presented the best route for ensuring the security of patient data, remaining HIPAA compliant and safeguarding Office 365 and Epic. The company implemented Radware’s AppWall integrated with their Alteon, all fully managed by Radware Emergency Response Team (ERT). Radware’s ERT manages the product, automatically updates security policies and produces reports.

[You may also like: Security Challenges for Healthcare Providers]

To drive additional cost savings and ease infrastructure management, the healthcare provider decided to move some of its customer-facing applications to Microsoft Azure. They turned to Radware’s fully managed Cloud WAF Service to protect employee and patient web applications, such as paid time off requests and various Azure servers.

Due to their acquisition of additional healthcare systems and the impact of pandemic-related traffic increases on the healthcare provider’s already stressed network, the CTO initiated a project to move from on-premise data centers to a colocation data center. This included upgrading their Alteon hardware and software.

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Radware’s Alteon and Cloud WAF Service has helped this healthcare provider secure patient data, remain HIPAA compliant and provide a positive user experience to their patients and staff who leverage their portal. The healthcare system also relies on Radware to keep their Azure-based applications secure as well.

With the completion of their new data center and implementation of a more robust infrastructure, the healthcare system has improved network performance with improved failover and upgraded throughput.

Download The State of Web Application and API Protection to learn more.

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