Visibility into Peacetime Traffic. Is it Too Much to Expect From Your DDoS Protection Provider?

Today, everyone has at least one insurance policy. It could be a healthcare, automobile, or life insurance policy. We invest heavily in these policies and have high expectations for a return on our investment when the unforeseen happens and we need the protections they provide. But most of us don’t expect anything from our insurance companies during “peacetime” — a period of time when there are no incidents or accidents.

Making peacetime part of the service policy

While a DDoS protection solution resembles an insurance policy in many ways, it should perform even better. Organizations should expect a high degree of service and network visibility from their security providers even during peacetime.

However, like insurance companies, most cyber security companies don’t service their clients during peacetime. Many clients simply do not expect it from their vendors, just like we as consumers don’t expect it from our insurance companies.

At Radware, we believe that clients should expect more from their security vendors. That’s why we are committed to servicing clients when they are under attack, during peacetime — and all year round.

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Proactive protection in peacetime

As part of our Cloud DDoS Protection Service, Radware is offering a new Cloud Network Analytics Service, which offers full visibility into network traffic, both during peacetime and when under attack. Network managers will now have a complete picture (see Figure 1) of non-aggregated daily traffic data, spanning 90 days.

Figure 1: Overview of Radware’s Cloud Network Analytics Management System
Figure 1: Overview of Radware’s Cloud Network Analytics Management System

The new service provides analytics and visibility across four key areas: network traffic visibility, services in use, access privileges management, and client-server traffic.

Network Traffic Visibility: Our Cloud Network Analytics Service reports on the exact amount of traffic moving across an organization’s network at any given time. Understanding network consumption enables more effective network planning and deployment to avoid scaling and sizing issues (See Figure 2). For instance, having detailed data about peacetime traffic in hand can be particularly valuable for organizations working with service providers to size the right network. Clear visibility into peacetime traffic leads to more accurate planning and pricing, and ultimately reduces the costs associated with unnecessary bandwidth.

Figure 2: Visibility into the network traffic
Figure 2: Visibility into the network traffic

[You may also like: DDoS Protection in the Age of 5G Networks, Edge Computing and Explosive Bandwidth Growth]

Services in Use: Our analytics service offers a detailed overview of and the ability to monitor services in use, such as HTTPS, DNS, internet browsing, VoIP, file downloading, and more. That way organizations can make sure their services are used for the right purpose (see Figure 3). For example, an unexpected and unusual spike in use is a flag that a service should be investigated.

Figure 3: Services in use
Figure 3: Services in use

Access Privileges Management: To ensure users have proper access to the right systems, our Cloud Network Analytics Service maps users and their access privileges as well as the specific IP addresses and geographies that can access an organization’s services (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: The top sources countries accessing the service
Figure 4: The top sources countries accessing the service

Client-Server Traffic: Our new service also quantifies the amount of traffic flowing between each client to the server, monitoring conversations and making sure users aren’t abusing server conversations or resources. This type of reporting is helpful in detecting the possible abuse of credentials.

It is finally time for companies to demand a little more than the obvious from their security providers and start getting their money’s worth. Even if used in different settings and circumstances, data about peacetime traffic is just as valuable as data about attack traffic — and no one should settle for less.

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Eva Abergel

Eva is a Solution Expert in Radware’s security group. Her domain of expertise is DDoS protection, where she leads positioning, messaging and product launches. Prior to joining Radware, Eva led a Product Marketing and Sales Enablement team at a global robotics company acquired by Bosch and worked as an Engineer at Intel. Eva holds a B.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from Ariel University and an Entrepreneurship Development certificate from the York Entrepreneurship Development Institute of Canada.

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