One of the businesses in the spotlight lately when it comes to cyber-attacks is healthcare – in fact, 46% of healthcare organizations experienced a data breach. The data associated with this industry is extremely sensitive and highly regulated, and also actively sought by hackers. It has even gotten to the point where we need to worry about the possibility of someone’s pacemaker or other medical device being hacked. We’ve covered this topic in much detail over the course of 2017, and below is our roundup of everything you need to know about cyber-security and healthcare.

Are Your Medical Records Safe? NO.
Radware’s latest report on Web Application Security found significant security flaws in the healthcare industry. It goes without being said that the data these organizations keep is highly sensitive and comes with a lot of risk – it only takes one unauthorized access to modify a prescription or change the settings of a medical device, which could have catastrophic effects on the lives and wellbeing of people who need them. Scarily, only 27% of healthcare organizations feel like they can secure patient records, this in the face of corporate and government regulations such as GDPR. In this blog, we take a deeper dive into whether or not automation might be a solution to this problem, and some of the other challenges faced when trying to keep patient data safe.
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Healthcare & Web Application Security: A Prescriptive Look at Application-Layer Security Risks
Because the healthcare industry deals with quality of life issues, access to real-time data, including sensitive data such as patient records, requires both the security and availability of in-house, web, mobile, or cloud applications. To understand what C-level security executives think about overcoming technological challenges, Radware surveyed over 600 global security leaders. This blog takes a look at our key findings.
5 Key Items for the Digital Transformation of Healthcare
Modern IT technologies are changing the ways that healthcare organizations do business. When people’s lives are at stake, it is essential to prevent a loss of service. There are five items that any IT professional in the healthcare industry should address when designing and managing their digitized medical infrastructure, and this blog covers them.
Hospital Stays Can Take Out More Than Your Organs
Healthcare entities have taken small steps in protecting sensitive data, but attacks continue to get more and more complex. Although the black market value of a health record is decreasing as compared to other stolen assets, it is still considered profitable for the cyber-criminal, and organizations need to be aware of this threat.
Could Your Local Car Dealer, Bank or Doctor’s Office be Next?
While most of the headlines focus on large corporate entities when it comes to cyber-attacks, we can’t forget about the small and medium businesses such as your local doctor’s office. Why would these organizations be targeted by hackers? Simple – a lack of resources. Verizon cited, in their 2017 Data Breach report, that 61% of data breach victims were businesses with less than 1,000 employees. If someone were to hack in, not only would someone have access to your personal information, but they could find out about your medications and what wireless medical devices you use.
As you can see, medical data falling into the wrong hands could be catastrophic, and we are already seeing everything from large hospitals to local doctor’s offices being attacked regularly. The importance of having a strong cyber-security plan in place cannot be understated.

Read "Cyber-Security Perceptions and Realities: A View from the C-Suite” to learn more.
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