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Small Businesses Are Cybercrime Targets

One of the biggest myths about cyber attacks is that they only happen to large companies. Sure, larger organizations get more than their fair share of headlines. Whether it's stolen user data, ransomware shutdowns, or DDoS attacks that cut off access to some of the Internet's most popular ...

Security Now

Cyber Security Predictions

2016 was the Year of DDoS. 2017 was the Year of Ransom. Can we assess leading indicators of new attack techniques and motivations to predict what 2018 will bring? The answer is a resounding “yes.” We believe 2018 will be the Year of Automation—or, more precisely, big, bad attacks ...

Security Boulevard

Four Tips for Closing AI Security Holes

Artificial intelligence is finally moving beyond the pages of science fiction. This is causing a range of emotions among those who follow the technology, from excitement to concern.

IT Toolbox

Five tech jobs that AI and automation will make radically more efficient

The robot revolution has undoubtedly begun, but the jury is still out on exactly how many jobs will be lost to the machines, and how long it will take to happen. In the meantime, though, artificial intelligence (AI) is already impacting jobs in a variety of industries, changing the way a lot of ...

ZD Net

Equifax Hackers Exploited Months-Old Flaw

Equifax announced late Wednesday that the source of the hole in its defenses that enabled hackers to plunder its databases was a massive server bug first revealed in March.

NBC News
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