Operation Defense

Operation Defense was an Anonymous effort against the supporters of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).  Proposed targets of Operation Defense were announced in an Anonymous YouTube video, and included: AT&T, Boeing, BSA, Business Roundtable, CSC, Comptel, CTIA, Cyber Space & Intelligence Association, Edison Electric, EMC, Exelon, Facebook, The Financial Services Roundtable, IBM, Independent Telephone & Telecommunications Alliance, Information Technology Industry Council, Intel, Internet Security Alliance, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, National Cable & Telecommunications Association, NIDA, Oracle, Symantec, TechAmerica, US Chamber of Commerce, US Telecom, and Verizon Wireless. 

"Phase 1" of Operation Defense (cyber attacks on some of the above companies) was deemed successful by Anonymous, and it announced "Phase 2" - physical protests at the locations of some of the offending companies - to occur between May 1st, 2012 and June 30th, 2012.

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