Cross-Cloud Visibility & Reporting

Cross-Cloud Visibility & Reporting

Maintain Consistent Security Across the Multi-Cloud.

Avoid Security Silos in the Cloud

Organizations increasingly rely on multiple clouds to deploy applications and run workloads. As a result, using the native security controls of the different public cloud providers results in a heterogenous collection of tools that creates security silos, varying levels of protection, inconsistent security policies, and fragmented logging and reporting.

Radware provide cross-cloud management and reporting, so you have identical security controls and visibility into all of your assets, regardless of which public cloud they are running on.

Key Capabilities

Cross-Cloud Support for Multiple Environments

Keep Track of Cloud Assets And Inventory

Prioritized Views Based on Risks and Alerts

Single Pane Of Glass For All Your Cloud Accounts


Agentless, Cross-Cloud Solution

Radware’s Cloud Native Protector is an agentless, cross-cloud solution that does not require installation of any hardware or software by the user. This allows for seamless, easy deployment and enables customers to fortify their cloud security posture in a few easy clicks.

Learn More About Cloud Native Protector

Radware’s cloud workload protection service has helped Perion to identify threats in real time without the noise of false alerts. It has been excellent in exposing misconfigurations and potential risks and thus very helpful in both detection and prevention.”

Amir Arama
Sr. Director of Cloud Operations,

Read Customer Success Story

Smart Permission Hardening with Cloud Native Protector

Learn how Radware's Cloud Native Protector provides comprehensive cloud protection by detecting gaps between used and granted permissions and providing smart hardening recommendations to help reduce attack surfaces, detect malicious behavior, and alert of data theft attempts.