Driving Quality Care through Call Center VoIP Solutions Anyone that has ever called a company for support is familiar with the message “This call will be recorded for Radware |November 06, 2015
Application Delivery Controllers and Software-Defined Networking: SDN is a Layer 2–7 Industry Now Software-defined networking (SDN) started out as an architecture for solving the inefficiencies of Layer 2/3 networks. SDN initially neglected the Shamus McGillicuddy |November 05, 2015
REPORT: 2013 State of the Union for Mobile Ecommerce Performance Mobile users have high expectations. Two out of three shoppers expect pages to load in four seconds or less on Tammy Everts |November 05, 2013
Application Delivery Controllers in an SDN World – Programming the Network? Over the past several years, server virtualization has led to consolidation of physical server resources to reduce cost and enable Prakash Sinha |November 04, 2015
How Cloud Migration and Pay-Per-Use Can Solve Your Network Infrastructure SIZING Challenge During the past year, I have had a few conversations with the CIO of one of our e-commerce customers in Yaron Azerual |November 04, 2014
The History of the Cloud, Part I – Server Load Balancing Isn’t it nice to know that when you are traveling, you have access to digital maps and precise location technologies Frank Yue |November 03, 2015
NFV Application Delivery, Revisited About half a year ago I wrote about the adoption of next-generation technologies in the virtual/cloud data center, and focused Nir Ilani |November 03, 2014
Simple to Use Link Availability Solutions Previously, I discussed how rerouting data center host infrastructure should be part of next-generation DDoS solutions. In this blog, I Daniel Lakier |November 01, 2018
Encryption is a Costume to Hide Threats on the Internet It is the time of the year where adults and children alike put on costumes and go out to gather Frank Yue |November 01, 2017
Henry Ford was Right – Automation is the Key Automobile manufacturers initially sold cars to wealthy families. The automobiles were expensive and uncommon because the production of the vehicles Frank Yue |November 01, 2016
Why Are Eighty Percent Of Travel Sites Failing Customer Expectations? The travel industry is changing. As the world’s population grows and migrates from region to region, it adds to the Matt Young |May 31, 2016
5 Tips to Keep Your eCommerce Running During Online Shopping Peaks Daniel R. Scoggin, former President and CEO of TGI Fridays, said it best: “The only way to know how customers Nir Ilani |May 31, 2013