DNS DDoS Protection

DDoS Threats & Security Attacks: DDoS Reports & Cyber Security Threats

Read the latest information and stay head of these vulnerabilities with updated DDoS reports and cyber security threat reports from Radware's Emergency Response Team (ERT).

2020 Summer Olympics

With over 7.8 million tickets for sale, the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan will bring even larger crowds than the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

March 11, 2020 03:00 PM Threat Alert

Jenkins Denial-of-Service Attacks

Radware’s threat research has surveyed the cybersecurity landscape related to Jenkins Security Advisory 1641, also known as CVE-2020-2100, and confirm that over 12,000 exposed Jenkins’ servers can easily be abused by an attacker to launch distributed reflective denial-of-service (DrDoS) attacks with an average amplification factor of 3.00.

February 9, 2020 02:00 PM Threat Alert

TCP Reflection Attacks

Throughout 2019, Radware’s Threat Research Center (TRC) and Emergency Response Team (ERT) have been monitoring and defending against an increasing number of TCP reflection attacks.

November 7, 2019 02:00 PM Threat Alert

Global RDoS Campaign – Fancy Bear

Over the last week, Radware’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) has been tracking an emerging global ransom denial of service (RDoS) campaign from a group identifying itself as the Russian cyber espionage group, Fancy Bear.

October 24, 2019 03:00 PM Threat Alert

Super Bowl LIII Alert

As Super Bowl LIII approaches, Radware’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) research team turns its attention to the crowds and the target-rich environments created by high profile sporting events.

January 29, 2019 02:00 PM Threat Alert


Radware researchers have been following multiple campaigns targeting the financial industry in Europe and the United States.

January 9, 2019 02:00 PM Attack Report


Radware Threat Research Center is monitoring and tracking a malicious agent that is leveraging a Hadoop YARN unauthenticated remote command execution in order to infect Hadoop clusters with an unsophisticated new bot that identifies itself as DemonBot.

October 25, 2018 03:00 PM Threat Alert

Credential Stuffing Campaign

Over the last few weeks, Radware has been tracking a credentialstuffing campaign targeting the financial industry in the United States andEurope. Credential stuffing is an emergingthreat in 2018 that has continued to accelerate over the past month as morebreaches occur. Today, a breach doesn’tjust impact the compromised organization and its users, but it also affects everyother website that the users may use. 

October 18, 2018 03:00 PM Threat Alert

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