Bridging the Gap: The Importance of HTTP/1.1 Gateways in the Era of HTTP/3 Web response speed is a critical factor for business success in the digital age. Fast loading times enhance user engagement and retention, which can lead to increased sales. Studies have shown that even a one-second delay in page load time can significantly reduce customer satisfaction, decrease page views, and lower conversion rates. Isabela Korner |October 09, 2024
Application Delivery Controllers – Mature, but Evolving? Gartner has recently released their application delivery controller (ADC) magic quadrant for 2015.* The Magic Quadrant shows that the landscape Frank Yue |October 08, 2015
Web Performance Optimization: Treat Your Enterprise Apps Like E-Commerce Apps Shamus McGillicuddy is a Senior Analyst for EMA and is a featured guest blogger.Online retailers have understood the importance of Shamus McGillicuddy |October 07, 2015
Hackers Will Find Your Network’s Vulnerabilities. Here’s How To Fight Back. A disreputable person enters a bank and walks up to the teller and presents a note asking for the teller Frank Yue |October 06, 2015
Why Application Visibility Matters So Much It’s very difficult to deliver a commitment level of an application service without a Service Level Agreement (SLA). And it’s Prakash Sinha |October 05, 2015
Cloud Load Balancing vs. Application Delivery Controllers – Time to Set the Record Straight By now, we should all know that a load balancer is an integral part of the new cloud application stack. Lior Cohen |October 05, 2012
Increased interest in Managed Security at Light Reading NFV and Carrier SDN event Last week in Denver, Carriers discussed their plans to migrate their networks to NFV and SDN, and what they’ve learned Mike O'Malley |October 04, 2016
Marrying the Business Need With Technology Drive, Part One: Choosing Your Cloud Several years ago, the monolithic approach to application development fell out of vogue because time to market became the key Daniel Lakier |November 30, 2017
Load Balancers and Microservices Many organizations, such as Netflix and Amazon, are using microservice architecture to implement business applications as a collection of loosely Prakash Sinha |November 28, 2017
200X Faster Page Load for SAP Documents Stops The Crowds In Their Tracks at TechEd This post is part one of a three part series in response to the three major challenges related to SAP Meryl Robin |November 26, 2012
Are You Authenticating Application Users? As we briefly discussed in my last blog, Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs) deploy at the intersection of the network and Prakash Sinha |November 24, 2015
Cyber Monday Survival Tips for eRetailers: Ensuring Network and Application Availability and Guaranteeing High QoE With Thanksgiving right around the corner, businesses everywhere are readying themselves for the post-holiday shopping blitz. And with the National Nir Ilani |November 22, 2011