
Cloud Security

Cyberattack and cybersecurity terms related to cloud security

API attack

API attacks occur when vulnerabilities in APIs are abused by cybercriminals and malicious actors to access, steal or exploit business-critical data.

Bot Manager

A bot manager is a product that manages bots across all channels and categorizes the good bots from the bad bots.


Cloud Access Security Broker, also known as CASB, is on-premises or cloud based software that acts as an intermediary between cloud service users and cloud applications.

Cloud Application Security (Cloud AppSec)

Cloud Application Security, also known as Cloud AppSec, refers to the security controls, processes and policies that are put in place to protect data exchanges that occur in collaborative cloud environments.

Cloud Identity Governance (CIG-CIEM)

Cloud Identity Governance solutions use automated tools to implement a least privilege model, removing unnecessary and unused permissions in the cloud environment.

Cloud Misconfiguration

Cloud misconfiguration refers to any configuration errors or gaps in a cloud environment that can leave an organization exposed to risk.

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