VoIP Load Balancing

Companies who plan to implement, or already utilize, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for communication purposes require the ability to properly distribute session initiations across an IP network. With an optimized VoIP traffic management strategy, businesses can protect against server overload, which can ultimately lead to decreased performance, network downtime, or complete loss of VoIP server functionality. Utilizing the method of VoIP load balancing, organizations can evenly distribute service requests across an IP network increasing the overall processing capabilities of servers supporting that network.

With VoIP load balancing, servers handling this communication process are optimized, resulting in performance efficiency and increased business production. By distributing service requests evenly to designated servers within a data center, VoIP load balancing creates server environments that are able to perform at a higher-level. When a particular server, or server cluster, is alleviated from an overload of network traffic, it can direct performance attention to other tasks. With this advantage, an effective load balancing approach enhances server execution and becomes a VoIP traffic management solution for businesses that require the ability to handle local or global network traffic.

Security through VoIP Load Balancing

Along with the benefits of increased performance, VoIP load balancing also delivers additional security protection within a company's communications network. This service addresses issues such as low availability, insufficient scalability and malicious security intrusions. VoIP load balancing utilizes intelligent network health monitoring to detect and prevent service security issues such as Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. With such an intrusion protection system in place, businesses can ensure the safety and security of the voice and video data transferred over a VoIP communications network. This additional security and monitoring can provide more reliable network connections, which will lead to an increased level of accessibility for end-users and the ability to handle network challenges that may arise in the future.

Radware VoIP Load Balancing Solutions

To address the needs of your organization's IP communications network, Radware offers VoIP load balancing solutions to help with network availability, security, scalability, and VoIP traffic management.

Radware’s VoIP/SIP Application Delivery Controller (ADC) solution delivers the intelligence needed to address the VoIP/SIP service delivery requirements of carriers and operators deploying today's VoIP services. Radware’s SIP Director provides high availability through local and global clustering as well as advanced health checks on SIP devices, routing SIP clients away from unstable or unreliable devices and providing increased reliability to existing SIP solutions for optimal call completion. It also provides scalability through an unlimited call handling capacity, load balancing, traffic acceleration and performance optimization.

For questions or more information about our VoIP load balancing solutions, please contact us and a knowledgeable Radware representative will answer promptly answer. We also offer a comprehensive selection of other application delivery products to help improve your network performance.